
Submittal Sheets

Acoustical Solutions

Acoustical Eye-Lag Screws

GRABBER Springshot Acoustical Tie Wire Toggle Bolt

GRABBER Galvanized Tie Wire and Hanger Wire

GRABBER Tie Wires and Clips

Acrylitex Interior Coatings

Acrylitex Qwik Prep Interior Texture and Coating

Acrylitex Smooth Wall Interior Texture and Coating

Acrylitex Vapor Prime Interior Texture and Coating

Acrylitex Paint & Texture System

Adhesives & Sealants

GRABBER Hang Tite Spray Adhesive

GRABBER GSCSF Acoustical Sound & Smoke Sealant

GRABBER GDWAV Water-based Drywall Adhesive

GRABBER Acoustical Sealant

GRABBER GreenChoice Drywall Adhesive

Column & Beam Clips

GRABBER Steel Column and Beam Drywall Clips

Drywall Corner Treatment

NO-COAT® by CertainTeed®

EZ Column

GRABBER E-Z Column Collar

Pins & Other Fasteners


Firestopping Products

EFC Head of Wall Concrete and Metal Deck Endothermic Fire Caulk

EFC Head of Wall Metal Deck Endothermic Fire Spray

IFC Head of Wall Concrete and Metal Deck Intumescent Fire Caulk

EFC Joint System

EFC Through Penetrations

EFS for Perimeter Containment

IFC Joint System

IFC Through Penetration

Joint Tape

GRABBER Perforated Joint Tape

GRABBER Mesh Tape Submittal


GRABBER Ring-Shank Diamond-Point Drywall Nails

GRABBER Cement-Coated Large Flat-Head Diamond-Point Drywall Nails

GRABBER Cupped-Head Diamond-Point Drywall Nails

GRABBER Ring-Shank Blued Large Flat-Head Diamond-Point Drywall Nails

GRABBER Vinyl-Coated Large Flat-Head Diamond-Point Drywall Nails


PanelMax Reinforced Corner Assembly

Interior Wood Screws

GRABBER UltraPro - Self-Piercing Scavenger II Head UltraCut Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Bugle Head Coarse Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Flat Head Coarse Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Pan and Pancake Head Type-17 Point Cabinet Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Scavenger Head Coarse Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Trim Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Scavenger Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Bugle Head Coarse Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Bugle Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Hex Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

Exterior Wood Screws

GRABBER UltraPro - Self-Piercing Scavenger II Head UltraCut Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Bugle Head Coarse Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Flat Head Coarse Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Hex Washer Head Coarse Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Trim Head Coarse Thread Screws

GRABBER Tie-Master and Lag-Master Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Composite Head Coarse Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Bugle Head Coarse Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Flat Head Coarse Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Hex Washer Head Hi-Lo Thread with EPDM Washer Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Trim Head Coarse Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Wafer Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

Light-Gauge Metal (Up to 0.033-in [20ga]) Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Bugle Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Bugle Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Flat Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Hex Washer Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Modified Truss Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Pan, Flat Pan and Pan Framing Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Scavenger Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Scavenger Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Trim Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Trim Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Revised Modified Truss Head Fine Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Bugle Head Fine Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Bugle Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Hex Washer Head Fine Thread with EPDM Washer Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Modified Truss Head Fine Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Pan Framing Head Fine Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Trim Head Fine Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Hex Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

Heavy-Gauge Metal (minimum 0.033-in [20ga]) Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Bugle Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Bugle Head Hi-Lo Thread - 410 Stainless Steel - Item SS07125G Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Dome Head Coarse Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Dome Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Flat Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling (Pilot) Flat Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Hex Washer Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Modified Truss Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Pan, Flat Pan, and Pan Framing Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Modified Pan Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Revised Modified Truss Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Scavenger Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Trim Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Wafer Head Fine Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Drilling Bugle Head Fine Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Drilling Flat Head Fine Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Drilling Hex Washer Head Fine Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Drilling Modified Truss Head Fine Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Drilling Pan Framing Head Fine Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Drilling Trim Head Fine Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Drilling Wafer Head Fine Thread Screws

Cement & High Density Board Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Wafer Head Fine Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Piercing Wafer Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

GRABBER Self-Drilling Wafer Head Fine Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Piercing Wafer Head Hi-Lo Thread Screws

SCORPION Self-Drilling Wafer Head Fine Thread Screws


GrabberGard Coating